1445 Beth Medicare Lead

A New Year is upon us and we prepare to say farewell to 2012.  Does this have you thinking about  New Years Resolutions?  Many of us see a new year as a fresh start of sorts, a good time to set goals and make New Years resolutions.  A few popular ones come to mind … Exercise more, Lose weight, Eat healthier, Quit smoking. These are just a few.  After indulging in a few delicious Holiday treats many of us dread the thought of looking at the scale.  8 out of 10 people have a resolution to reduce weight and exercise more.  A better routine with more walking and healthy eating is a great resolution.

Did you know that Medicare provides services for weight control?  This coverage is focused on prevention and wellness through regular screenings.

An estimated 30% of men and women in the Medicare program are considered obese.  Obesity puts a person at a greater risk of developing other chronic conditions such as diabetes, kidney disease, cardiovascular and heart disease.

Obesity screening, behavioral counseling, dietary assessment and therapy to promote sustained weight loss are covered for beneficiaries.  For beneficiaries with obesity, Medicare covers one face to face visit each week for the first month, One visit every other week for the second through sixth months and One visit every month for months seven through twelve if the beneficiary has achieved a six and a half pound weight loss requirement by the six month visit.   If the weight loss has not been attained by the six month point, the patient can be reassessed after a six month period.

Would you like to lose a few pounds and get healthier in 2013? Be sure to take advantage of this great service and make 2013 a healthier year!

And keep in mind, if you set goals that are “SMART” (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Time-bound) you are more likely to have success in seeing them come to pass!

Good Luck to you in all of your Endeavors and Happy New Year!


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