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What about Medicare and Hearing Aids? 

Hearing loss can affect many areas of your life.  Visiting with friends and family, talking on the telephone, discussions with your doctor, even watching the daily news can be difficult.  Friends and family can often misunderstand this and think that you are confused or uncaring when the problem is simply that you cannot hear well.  This can leave you feeling upset, embarrassed and even lonely.

Four out of every ten Americans who may benefit from a hearing aid are Medicare eligible so, Does Medicare cover the cost of hearing aids?

Hearing aids, fittings and routine hearing exams are not covered under Medicare.  Without additional insurance you would pay 100% of the cost for these items.  There is an exception to this but only for the exam and not the hearing aid itself. If there is a medical need such as a hearing loss due to an accident, illness or injury and the physician orders a diagnostic hearing test, then you would pay 20% of the amount that Medicare approves (subject to the Part B deductible).

While Medicare coverage does provide many benefits to the aging population, there are several tests, services and items that are not covered.  Always check your individual plan for specifics on what is covered and what is not.

If you have any questions feel free to contact us here

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